Thursday, April 4, 2024

Modern Traditionalism Challenge

During our April guild meeting, Cara gave an awesome presentation of "What does it mean that we are The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild" and reiterated that the guild's focus, when it comes to education and programming, will be on Modern Traditionalism and Improv. With that in mind, we would like to challenge members to make a quilt (any size, including a mini quilt) in the Modern Traditionalism aesthetic. Rene' also gave a brief description of the challenge along with resources on Modern Traditionalism. 
Here is an overview of the challenge:
The Modern Quilt Guild has a short video on Modern Traditionalism presented by Holly Clarke that I recommend watching. The following graphic was taken from the webinar and is a good starting point when designing a Modern Traditionalism quilt. Simply select an item from the Traditional column and then one from the Modern column and go for it!

Below are examples of how you can take a traditional block (in this case the churn dash block) and by applying one of the methods under the Modern column you have a traditional-made-modern quilt.
Resources you may find helpful:


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